Consult-A-Nurse® for Expert Advice, Available 24 Hours a Day/Seven Days a Week
Pediatric and Adult Line: (907) 264-1722
Do you need help deciding if you or you or a loved one should go to the ER or simply consult your family physician? Whether you are currently one of our patients or not, our expert nurses can help you understand symptoms, manage a chronic condition, or learn about treatment options and medical procedures over the phone. Maybe you are a new mom worried about your child’s fever. Or caring for an aging parent. Whatever your healthcare question, Consult-A-Nurse® -a free service by Alaska Regional Hospital and HCA Healthcare – is just a phone call away.
Call our nurses 24 hours a day by phone at (907) 264-1722
Our nurses and referral specialists can help you:
- Answer healthcare questions
- Find a doctor and make an appointment
- Register for classes & events or answer questions
In a world with so many competing voices, you can trust ours.
Find a Doctor
Consult-A-Nurse® makes finding a doctor easier by providing information about physicians affiliated with hospital name, including:
- Medical specialty, skills and experience
- Physicians who are accepting new patients
- Online appointment scheduling
- Office hours and location
Health Information
We understand health issues are never convenient. Consult-A-Nurse® is here to help with your concerns, on your schedule. It’s simple, free, and can offer you the peace of mind you need. Call and talk to a nurse today! Our nurses provide consultation and answer health-related questions. They do not diagnose conditions but provide information on many subjects, including:
- Cardiac Services
- Children's Health
- Diabetes Care
- Family Birthing Classes
- Health Screenings & Fairs
- Men's Health
- Neurology/Stroke
- Orthopedics
- Sleep Disorders
- Spine Care
- Weight Loss Surgery
- Wellness Seminars
- Women's Health
- and more